Port Line Shipping & Logistic

with a wide network of freight forwarders at all major Airports, can offer a comprehensive Air Cargo Service to the Importers & Exporters of high value cargo, perishable cargo, project cargo & ship spares.
We have established relationships with leading airlines to secure space on all sectors at the right prices.
Port Line Shipping & Logistic has operations through all the 7 major International Countries in all over the world.

We offer following facilities to our customers depending on the needs expressed by them or identified by us.

Airport to Airport/ Airport to Door/ Door to Airport & Door to Door.

Our Sales consultants understand the customer’s business process & suggest suitable options to achieve our customer’s objectives.

We provide a comprehensive customs service that ensures that your air freight is accompanied by all necessary documentation for the countries of origin and destination.

International Moving Services

The key to a successful relocation is flexibility we will fit our expertise around your specific needs. Our team of highly-professional relocation experts provides a professional and friendly service, and can either manage the complete International Relocation work with your own trained team to implement the best relocation.

With coverage throughout the all countries and Globally we can help you and your employees wherever they may be going to or coming from.

Our quality services include:

  • Special air freight rates for bulk movements.
  • Export and import air freight consolidations.
  • Combined air- sea freight services.
  • Door to door delivery.
  • Custom brokerage.
  • Warehousing, distribution and delivery.
  • Project freight.
  • Order followup tracking system.
  • Supply chain tracking system.
  • Provide attractive rates for chartered services on request.
  • Pharmaceutical Logistics/ Transportation
  • Life Science Logistics
  • Clinical Trial Medicine Transportations
  • Temperature control transportation


  • Multi-sector and multi-mode capabilities
  • Working with Pan-European players and niche specialists
  • Central control and network monitoring through the Control Tower
  • 450,000 tons managed a year
  • 40,000 shipments a year
  • 200 transport partners
  • Groupage/LTL/FTL
  • In Turkey, Logistics handles over 7,700 FTL trips a month